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20 Aphorism Examples
Don’t count on things that haven’t happened yet because something unexpected could occur.
It’s become one of the most viral memes on the internet.
Picture of Benjamin Franklin and a caption that says "Aphorist Extraordinaire"
Want a few more.
The Purpose & Function of Aphorism
And then.
Let’s get started.
And since they’re universal truths about life, they help persuade your reader to accept your message.
It originally read, Count not they chickens that unhatched be…
It’s become one of the most viral memes on the internet.
Picture of Benjamin Franklin and a caption that says "Aphorist Extraordinaire"
Shifting gears a little, let’s talk about one of the world’s greatest aphorists – Benjamin Franklin.
It originated from Lady Mary Montgomerie Currie’s poem Tout vient a qui sait attendre.
Build a storyline around that saying.Thu, 30 Jun 2022 10:37:07 +0400Аноним (sajjjja@gmail.com)